Your existence is a piece of time. We are Piece of Blue. Together we neutralize time. Let us dress you in timeless pieces of unique knitwear, which allow all kinds of personalities to be what they really are: Truly wonders of nature. At any age. At any time.
It all started with one man, one hand-driven machine and a lot of drive. Ever since, sincerity and a naturel approach have marked our existence. Our exclusive knitwear has always been characterized by quality and craftsmanship. Knowledge and machinery have been refined year after year. Exactly like our collections.
First known as Blue Willi’s, we won our customers’ hearts. Women and men, young and old ones loved our knitwear. Piece of Blue is the rising of a new era. Built on traditions, revitalized and ready for the future.
Passion is unchanged. People and philosophy are the same. Joined by new techniques and product lines, though still maintaining the timeless expression. We believe in classics. Good style is not a passing fad. We create timeless clothing, which allow you to live. At any time.